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8A LED DC Dimmer motor Control digital PWM generator LCD display

(image for) 8A LED DC Dimmer motor Control digital PWM generator LCD display
8A LED DC Dimmer motor Control digital PWM generator LCD display
(image for) 8A LED DC Dimmer motor Control digital PWM generator LCD display
8A LED DC Dimmer motor Control digital PWM generator LCD display
(image for) 8A LED DC Dimmer motor Control digital PWM generator LCD display
8A LED DC Dimmer motor Control digital PWM generator LCD display
(image for) 8A LED DC Dimmer motor Control digital PWM generator LCD display
8A LED DC Dimmer motor Control digital PWM generator LCD display
(image for) 8A LED DC Dimmer motor Control digital PWM generator LCD display
8A LED DC Dimmer motor Control digital PWM generator LCD display
  • Model: 8A-pwm-30V-PP2K-1688SMY
  • Shipping Weight: 0.2 lbs

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DC dimmer, DC dimmer for battery charging lighting. PWM DC Dimmer 3.3v-30v DC motor governor, PWM for speed control, Mini LED 8A PWM Motor Speed Control Dimming.

PWM DC Motor Speed Control Switch Governor 3.3V-30V 8A

This dimmer can be application for constant voltage driver LED lighting, it adopted the most advanced PWM (pulse-width-modulation) digital brightness-adjusting technology that enables you adjust the brightness with the infinite knob.  It could be capable of meeting different demands for brightness at various times by using the dimming. Also, it can extend the life of the LED and cut down on power consumption. It is ideal for dimming high-power or light bulbs with low power.

Digital pwm generator with display
0-150kHz output frequency range
0-100% duty cycle
3-30V operation and output pulse amplitude
Simple push button interface
LCD display of frequency and duty cycle
8A maximum current output

This is a nice little controller that can be used as a flexible square wave generator for conducting experiments, testing and controlling devices that require a PWM input.  Having the display and simple pushbutton interface makes it easy to set.  Adding an output driver allows it to drive motors, solenoids, servos, dim LEDs and other pulse applications.

Theory of Operation

These controller are built with a Holtek microcontroller.

The VIN+ input voltage powers a 3.3V~30V linear regulator that  POWER supplies 

The microcontroller accepts inputs form the pushbuttons and generates the PWM output signal by using the built-in oscillator and timing circuits of the microcontroller.

Powering the Module
The module can operate from 3 to 30V power input on the VIN+ connections.  The two connections are internally connected and only one needs to be used.  Same for VIN- which is the ground connection.

The VIN+ input has a Schottky reverse polarity protection diode.  The module logic circuits are powered from a 3.3V regulator, so the VIN+ voltage is usually selected to set the amplitude that is needed for the PWM output.  If the PWM output will be used with 5V logic, the module should be powered from 5V.

Below 4V, the LCD backlight will start to dim, but the module will continue to work down to 3V.

The module draws about 20mA from the power source under typical 5V operation.

Setting PWM Frequency
 PWM Control Module - Freq ButtonsThe frequency of the PWM output can be set over the range from 0Hz to 150kHz by pressing the FREQ+ and FREQ- buttons.  Holding the buttons down accelerates the frequency change.

When the output is being adjusted, the display shows SET.  When no adjustments are being made, it displays OUT.

The current frequency is shown in the upper half of the display with the decimal point indicating the range that is being displayed.

If the display shows XXX, the value is in Hz. A display of 500 indicated 500Hz. The value can be adjusted in increments of 1Hz over the range of 0-999Hz.

If the display shows X.XX, the value is in kHz. A display of 1.00 indicates 1kHz. The value can be adjusted in increments of 10Hz over the range of 1.00kHz – 9.99kHz.

If the display shows XX.X, the value is in tens of kHz. A display of 10.0 indicates 10kHz. The value can be adjusted in increments of 100Hz over the range of 10.0kHz – 99.9kHz.

If the display shows X.X.X, the value is in hundreds of kHz. A display of 1.0.0 indicates 100kHz. The value can be adjusted in increments of 1kHz over the range of 100kHz – 150kHz.  This use of multiple decimal points isn’t the most intuitive way to display the value, but it’s not too bad once you get used to it.

Setting PWM Duty Cycle
PWM Control Module - Duty Cycle ButtonsThe duty cycle can be set over the range of 0-100% by pushing the DUTY+ and DUTY- buttons.  Holding the buttons down accelerates the duty cycle change.

The current duty cycle is shown on the bottom half of the display with a % sign after it.

The module responds with ‘DOWN‘ if the command was understood and ‘FAIL‘ if it wasn’t, such as if the command was formatted incorrectly.

Setting Duty Cycle
Dxxx = Set Duty Cycle

To set the duty cycle, you send the desired duty cycle preceeded by an upper case ‘D’.

‘D050‘ = Duty cycle set to 50%

Reading Current Settings
To read the current settings, you send a lower case ‘read‘.

The module will respond with the frequency and duty cycle like this:

or it may report
F=1.00KHz        D= 50%


Technical Parameters:
 Working voltage: 3.3V~30V, with anti-reverse protection.
 Frequency range: 1Hz~150KHz, accuracy about 1%.
 duty cycle range: 0-100%, 1% stepping.
 number of pulses: 1~9999, or infinite (display '----'  stands for infinity).
 delay output time: 0.000s-9999s, the minimum can be set 1ms.
 positive and negative pulse width length: 0.000s~9999s, the minimum can be set 1ms.
 signal loading capacity: less than 8A.
 Output signal amplitude: amplitude is equal to the supply voltage.
Product size: 79mm*43mm*30mm
 Product Weight: 42g

PWM mode (display has "%" for PWM mode)
The factory default mode is PWM mode, FREQ+ and FREQ-key set frequency, DUTY+ and DUTYbutton set duty cycle; short press ON button control signal output or stop, stop output is 0, the screen displays “OUT” mark as There is output, otherwise it stops output; the default factory frequency is 1KHZ and the duty cycle is 50%.
If you want to switch to PULSE mode, long press the SET button (more than 6 seconds), do not release, you will see the screen change, "%" disappears, it is PULSE mode.

PULSE mode (No "%" on the right side of the display is PULSE mode)
The line above the LCD screen displays the positive pulse width time. The P+ and P- buttons set the parameter. The line below the LCD screen displays the negative pulse width time. The N+ and Nbuttons set the parameter. Press the ON button to 
control the signal output or stop. When the output is stopped, the output is 0. The screen displays “OUT” for output, otherwise it stops output; the default factory positive pulse width is 0.5 seconds and the negative pulse width is 0.5 seconds.

Pulse number and delay time setting - In PULSE mode, press and hold the SET button for 2 seconds and then release, enter the pulse number and delay time setting interface, the screen displays SET, it will 
be turned off and cleared after entering. ;P+ and P- seconds, the number of pulses is infinite (display ----); then press SET button 2 In seconds, it will automatically return to the pulse interface, press the ON button, after the delay setting time, start to issue the set number of pulses. If the number of pulses is sent, it will automatically output 0. If the period is not sent, pressing the ON button will turn off. The output pulse is turned off and cleared, and the set number of pulses is issued each time it is started. After the number of pulses i s sent, the display 'O U T' automatically disappears.

Application Example

 PWM output 20KHZ, 60% duty cycle: Select PWM mode, the frequency is set to 20.00, and the duty ratio is set to 060%.

The output is turned on for 0.6 seconds and turned off for 0.2 seconds. Infinite loop: select PULSE mode, the positive pulse width is set to 0.600, the negative pulse width is set to 0.200, the delay time is set to 0.000, and the number of pulses is set to --- -.

 Power on or press the start button, delay 5 seconds, then the output is turned on for 0.6 seconds, off 0.2 seconds, infinite loop: select PULSE mode, positive pulse width is set to 0.600, negative pulse width is set to 0.200, delay The time is set to 5.000 and the number of pulses is set to ----.

 Power on or press the start button, delay 5 seconds, then output high level 10ms low level 10ms pulse 100: select PULSE mode, positive pulse width is set to 0.010, negative pulse width is set to 0.010, delay The time is set to 5.000 and the number of 
pulses is set to 0100.

Po w e r- o n d e l a y f o r 1 0 s e c o n d s , t h e n permanently output signal: select PULSE mode, the positive pulse width is set to a number greater than 0, the negative pulse width is set to 0, the delay time is set to 10.00 seconds, and the pulse number is infinite. (----).

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All setup parameters are not lost when they are turned off.

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